
Crosswalk Accident Statistics


Following is some data gathered from the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) of Nova Scotia, Canada. 

Included is injury and fatality data (fatalities include areas under RCMP jurisdiction) and then tickets issued for violations of various sections of the Motor Vehicle Act.

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Injury & Fatality Statistics

While somewhat outdated the following data is insightful nonetheless:


The presence of a crosswalk isn’t enough to ensure a pedestrian’s safety on the road.  Many choose to jaywalk and avoid using designated crosswalks, while others use the crosswalk incorrectly or fail to comply by the provided traffic signals. That’s why it’s not just important for there to be a crosswalk in place, but that the pedestrians using it are mindful of crosswalk safety precautions.

DSC_0199According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2006, 42 percent of pedestrian fatalities occurred on roads without proper crosswalks.  Additionally, another 21 percent occurred in roadways in which a crosswalk was available, but the pedestrian wasn’t using it.  All in all, pedestrian deaths that occurred on an actual crosswalk accounted for less than 9 percent of all fatalities.  These could be because the pedestrians failed to look both ways, or they walked before the signals indicated they could do so.

Whatever the reason, statistics show that by using a crosswalk and enforcing crosswalk safety, a pedestrian can expect a much safer and hazard-free experience.

Additional crosswalk safety statistics include the following (2006 data):

  • 1,768 pedestrians died on a road or at an intersection where a crosswalk was not provided
  • another 1,451 pedestrians were killed on roads where there was a crosswalk, but it was not being used or utilized correctly
  • over 500 pedestrians died while using a crosswalk
  • pedestrians younger than 16 and older than 45 are the most at risk of being hit
  • the most dangerous time of the day for a pedestrian to be on the road is between 8:00 pm and 4:00 am.  On the weekend, it’s even more hazardous during those times.
  • using available crosswalks and ensuring crosswalk safety is enforced can greatly reduce a pedestrian’s risk of an accident

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